Category: Knowledge and Behavior

  • Are rabbits noisy at night?

    Are rabbits noisy at night?

    Rabbits are the first-choice pet for many animal lovers. These balls of fluff are relatively easy to take care of. However, they have some strange habits that differ from that of a typical house pet. For instance, rabbits are not awake with the hamsters at night or dogs during the day – so when are…

  • How To Teach Your Rabbit Tricks? – Clicker Training

    How To Teach Your Rabbit Tricks? – Clicker Training

    Most people have undoubtedly heard of clicker training when it comes to pets. Teaching your pet tricks using this method is a fun and lovely way to interact with them. Furthermore, clicker training can be crucial to how well-behaved your pet is. So, how do you go about teaching your bunny tricks using clicker training?…

  • How To Pet Your Rabbit

    How To Pet Your Rabbit

    Giving your pet affection and attention is a mutually beneficial practice, no matter the type of animal. While most people know exactly how to pet a dog or cat, a rabbit is somewhat different in how it likes to be petted. Some people might even believe that rabbits don’t enjoy being petted. To pet your…

  • How Smart Are Rabbits? – Rabbits Intelligence

    How Smart Are Rabbits? – Rabbits Intelligence

    When it comes to measuring the overall intelligence of animals, opinions are often divided. There are many different types of intelligence within animals. It can be difficult to compare different species, as each animal species shows its intelligence in different ways. Contrary to popular belief, rabbits are actually highly intelligent animals with a broad range…

  • Can Rabbits Understand Words?

    Can Rabbits Understand Words?

    Rabbits make wonderful pets as they are cute and entertaining, and sometimes even cuddly. A well-trained rabbit that trusts you makes a wonderful companion, whether you keep it indoors or outdoors. But does your rabbit understand you when you are petting it and telling it how it is the cutest bunny in the world? Rabbits…

  • Why You Should Never Trance Your Rabbit

    Why You Should Never Trance Your Rabbit

    Tonic Immobility, also known as “hypnotizing” or “trancing,” has been a technique for handling rabbits for several years. Trancing a rabbit allows the person or owner to take advantage of this prey species’ tendencies to play dead and go into a trance-like state, placing them in a vulnerable position on their back. Why should you…

  • Complete Rabbit Feeding Routine – When And How Much

    Complete Rabbit Feeding Routine – When And How Much

    A pet rabbit’s diet is usually best when it closely mimics its eating habits in its natural habitat. Most rabbits, be they a pet or wild, do not stick to a strict eating schedule, so it is no surprise that it can be rather tricky, as a first-time rabbit owner, to figure out when to…

  • How To Travel With Your Bunny? – Best Practices

    How To Travel With Your Bunny? – Best Practices

    You might need to travel with your bunny, whether a short trip to the vet or a longer journey by car or plane. With short journeys, you can generally make them stress-free for your rabbit, but you will need extra support if you’re traveling for some distance. Knowing what to expect and what you will…

  • How To Know If Your Rabbit Is Scared? – And How To Calm Them

    How To Know If Your Rabbit Is Scared? – And How To Calm Them

    Rabbits portray fear in different ways and for different reasons. A rabbit might be acting strange and not its usual self. You might wonder if the rabbit is sick, or is it a sign of fear? Signs that rabbits are showing fear include eating issues, ears upright, freezing stance, ready to run away, aggressive behavior,…

  • How Good Can Rabbits See? – Color-, Night Vision, Field Of View…

    How Good Can Rabbits See? – Color-, Night Vision, Field Of View…

    You may have wondered how your rabbit sees the world around him. Do rabbits see the same colors as humans and can they see in the dark? Since rabbits are prey animals, they have a very large field of vision of almost 360°. They can even partially see what is going on above their head…