Category: Knowledge and Behavior

  • How well can rabbits hear? – All about rabbit ears

    How well can rabbits hear? – All about rabbit ears

    When you look at your rabbit, you quickly notice their big ears! How well can rabbits perceive with them and do they hear better than humans? Rabbits are particularly good at hearing high-pitched sounds, but not so good at hearing low-pitched sounds. Rabbits hear in a frequency range from 96 Hz to 49,000 Hz, while…

  • Do Rabbits Know Their Own Names? – And How To Train Them

    Do Rabbits Know Their Own Names? – And How To Train Them

    There is nothing more rewarding and cute when you call your pet’s name, and they come running to you excitedly. Where some pets like cats and dogs will run over to their owners when their name is called, rabbits could also engage in such behavior when trained. Do rabbits know their own names? When a…

  • Are Rabbit Bites Dangerous? – And Why Do Rabbits Bite?

    Are Rabbit Bites Dangerous? – And Why Do Rabbits Bite?

    Having a rabbit as a pet requires much more work than a kitten or puppy. They aren’t as easy to train as a dog and need more attention than a kitten, but like other pets, rabbits have rather sharp teeth and can bite hard, so are rabbit bites dangerous, and why do rabbits bite? Rabbit…

  • How Much Does It Cost To Own A Rabbit?

    How Much Does It Cost To Own A Rabbit?

    Rabbits are gregarious animals that make excellent pets. However, if your children are driving you insane with their requests for a rabbit, you must first learn the costs of owning one. Unfortunately, people frequently overlook the recurring costs of having a pet, especially one that may live for around ten years (or more!). That said,…

  • How To Introduce Bunnies To Each Other

    How To Introduce Bunnies To Each Other

    Rabbits are social animals who enjoy the companionship of their fellow rabbits, so while it is always best to get a bonded pair, not all pet rabbits start as a pair. If you have a pet rabbit and decided to give them the joys of a bunny friendship, or perhaps you are adopting two rabbits…

  • Keep Your Rabbit Safe From Common Predators – 7 Options

    Keep Your Rabbit Safe From Common Predators – 7 Options

    If you are keeping rabbits, you know that outside playtime is vital to keeping them active and happy; the same applies if you keep your rabbits in hutches outside. The main issue you need to be concerned with besides protecting them from the elements is predators. It made me wonder how to keep your rabbit…

  • 5 Steps To Teach Your Rabbit To Come When Called

    5 Steps To Teach Your Rabbit To Come When Called

    Rabbits make perfect pets, and you’ll be surprised to know that they can be trained to do various things. Just like dogs and cats and loads of other animals, you can teach your rabbit to come when you call them. Training your bunny is not difficult, but it will require some patience. How can you…

  • 8 Most Common Sounds Rabbits Make And What They Mean

    8 Most Common Sounds Rabbits Make And What They Mean

    Rabbits are quiet animals. In the wild, they use their silence to their advantage to hide away from predators. However, domestic rabbits may be more vocal when comfortable and happy. When your rabbit makes a sound, it’s essential to know what they’re trying to say to you.  The most common rabbit sounds are thumping or…

  • What Are The Best Rabbit Breeds For Beginners?

    What Are The Best Rabbit Breeds For Beginners?

    Breeding rabbits can be an enjoyable and profitable endeavor. Proper research will ensure you buy the correct breed and teach you how to look after and care for the rabbits.  The best rabbit breeds for meat are New Zealand Rabbits and Californian Rabbits. The best fur rabbits would be the English Angora, Satin Angora, and…

  • How To Protect Rabbits From Cold Weather – 10 Tips

    How To Protect Rabbits From Cold Weather – 10 Tips

    Rabbits may look small and fragile but are well-adapted to cold weather. If you have a rabbit, whether indoors or outdoors, you’re probably wondering how to protect your rabbit from cold weather. There are precautions you should take, and you can protect your rabbit from cold weather. With hutches, their well-insulated bodies, a place to…