If you’re thinking about adding a cute, fluffy addition to the family, you may be wondering what a rabbit’s diet consists of. As many responsible pet owners know, your animal’s diet is one of the most crucial aspects of ensuring you take good care of your furry friend. So, which foods are toxic for rabbits?
Foods that are toxic to rabbits include rhubarb, fruit seeds or pits, chocolate, and avocados. These foods can be fatal for your rabbit, even if they are ingested in small quantities. Other foods you should avoid feeding your rabbit are, meat, iceberg lettuce, mushrooms, and processed foods.
Anyone who owns a rabbit knows that they are absolute grazing machines. You may look at your rabbit eating grass for the 25th time that day and want to introduce a new food group to give them some variety. However, rabbits are herbivores with extremely sensitive digestive systems, so they can only handle a small section of approved foods.
What Foods Are Toxic For Rabbits?
The three primary foods that you should avoid feeding your rabbit at all costs are avocados, rhubarb, and any seeds or pits from fruits.
While Avocados might be your favorite food, you should avoid giving any to your pet rabbit. Avocado contains persin, which can be deadly if ingested by your rabbit. It is also extremely high in fats when all your rabbit truly needs is fiber.
Fruit Seeds / Pits
While it is alright to feed your rabbit fruit skins or pieces of fruit once a week, you should be extra careful about removing any seeds or pits from the fruit. Many people know that apple and pear seeds contain small traces of cyanide, which can be fatal if ingested by your rabbit. You should also avoid feeding your rabbit mango, apricot, plums, and peaches.
Rhubarb should never be included in your rabbit’s diet, as the plant contains oxalic acid, which, if ingested by your rabbit, could prove fatal.
You should never feed your pet rabbit chocolate, as it contains theobromine and caffeine, which is toxic to most animals.
Which Foods Are Bad For Your Rabbit?
While these foods may not prove fatal in small quantities, they could cause harmful symptoms such as diarrhea, stomach cramps, and seizures, which in rare cases could lead to death.
Although ingesting potatoes is not deadly, it can cause uncomfortable digestive issues for your rabbit, as potatoes are high in carbohydrates and starch.
Meat and Dairy
This option is relatively obvious, as rabbits are herbivores. They are only meant to consume plants. Feeding your pet rabbit any animal products can be harmful and cause them digestive distress.
Iceberg Lettuce
This one is quite a shocker, as most people believe that lettuce is a staple food for rabbits. While this is true of the darker leafy greens, the lighter iceberg lettuce contains lactucarium, which could harm your bunny’s health if ingested.
What Foods Are Safe For Your Rabbit?
Your rabbit’s diet should consist of an unrestricted amount of grass hay, which should be provided even if you regularly feed your rabbit pellets from a pet store, lots of leafy green vegetables, and most importantly, a constant water supply.
As a treat, you should only feed your rabbit fruit (without the seeds or pits) once or twice a week.
You should never give your pet rabbit food if you are unsure whether it is safe for them. Avocado, rhubarb, and fruit seeds can all be fatal if eaten. Other foods such as chocolate, processed foods, meat, dairy, and iceberg lettuce can harm your rabbit’s health and give them digestive issues.