4 Signs Your Rabbit Is Pregnant

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Pregnancy in rabbits isn’t always as apparent as in other animals. Many rabbit owners don’t even realize their rabbit is pregnant a day or two before giving birth! Whether you have recently adopted a rabbit and fear she may be pregnant or want to breed with your rabbit, knowing the signs are crucial for planning and preparing for the birth!

The signs of pregnancy in rabbits are weight gain and aggressive behavior. Pregnant rabbits will also start to build a nest using whatever they can find and will begin to pull at their fur as they become closer to giving birth. If the signs aren’t clear enough, you may need to palpate your rabbit.

Knowing that your rabbit is pregnant before she gives birth will help you to assist her with everything she needs to give birth and look after her newborn babies successfully. Stay with us as we discuss the signs of rabbit pregnancy and how to look for it in your beloved rabbit!

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How To Notice The Signs Of A Pregnant Rabbit

Rabbits will reach sexual maturity at a very early age, ranging from four to five months for smaller breeds and five to eight months for larger ones. If you have a male rabbit living with a young female, the chances are very good that she will become pregnant if she is not spayed or neutered. 

Weight gain in rabbits is usually only noticed at the end of their pregnancy, with a more rounded belly appearance. Sometimes, signs aren’t even apparent until your rabbit gives birth! 

Do you think your rabbit might be pregnant? Let’s take a look at the signs you can expect:

1. A Pregnant Rabbit Will Gain Weight

Similar to a pregnant human, a pregnant rabbit will also gain weight during pregnancy. However, this weight will not always be a significant and noticeable difference, which could make it difficult for you to see. 

A pregnant doe will gain about 0.064 lbs on average during her first week of pregnancy. By the end of the second week, most expecting rabbits will gain about 0.126 lbs. 

After the second week has passed, the doe’s weight will not change as much. 

The best way you can detect whether your rabbit is pregnant or not would be by using a digital scale. You can then compare the figure to your rabbit’s weight before she became pregnant.

2. A Pregnant Rabbit Will Show Aggressive Behavior

A pregnant doe will exhibit aggressive behavior as her hormones change and her body is getting ready to give birth. 

Your rabbit may show aggression towards you, other people, or animals. Signs of aggression in pregnant rabbits include refusing to be petted or stroked, growing defensively, or even scratching or biting. 

If your rabbit is generally unfriendly, she may show these signs even if she is not pregnant, so it would be best to look for other symptoms if this is the case. 

If the signs of aggression in your rabbit worsen, it might be best to remove her from the other rabbits and keep her separate until you have determined if she is pregnant or not.

3. A Pregnant Rabbit Will Build A Nest

it is a pregnant rabbit’s instinct to build a nest using whatever they can find, whether it is straw, hay, or blankets. She will use whatever she has at her disposal to ensure her newborn babies are provided with comfort and warmth. 

Usually, a pregnant doe will only start to show nesting behavior roughly a week before giving birth. The most apparent signs of a pregnant rabbit starting to nest will be if she’s digging into a corner of her cage or enclosure, along with stacking up her bedding materials. 

Usually, a pregnant doe will take any items it can carry in her mouth or even push loose bedding or blankets together to make sure it’s comfortable for her when she’s going to give birth.

Baby rabbits

4. A Pregnant Rabbit Will Pull At Her Fur

As a pregnant doe becomes closer and closer to giving birth, she will start to pull at her fur to use it as a blanket to keep her babies warm. 

She will use her fur to line out her nest, which could become alarming, especially if you were unaware your rabbit is pregnant! 

If your rabbit starts to nest, it is most likely that there will be babies within a week. However, if your rabbit starts to use her fur in her nest, you can expect the babies to arrive within a day or two. 

Most rabbits will give birth during the night, so you can mentally prepare to wake up to a litter or babies!

Palpate Your Rabbit Or Visit A Professional

Unless a doe carries a large litter or babies, she won’t show any clear external signs of pregnancy. This is a significant reason why rabbit breeders and veterinarians will palpate their rabbits, also known as carefully inspecting the abdomen of a rabbit with their hands or fingers. 

This is the surest way to determine if a rabbit is pregnant or not, and within two weeks of conception, you will be able to feel the young rabbits inside the doe’s abdomen. 

However, knowing how to feel for the fetuses successfully without injuring them will take some skill! Knowing how to palpate a female rabbit is only a general guide. 

If you’re not an experienced rabbit breeder or professional veterinarian, you should never attempt to palpate a pregnant rabbit by yourself.

Know The Gestation Period Of A Rabbit

Usually, rabbits gestate for between 31 and 33 days. If you know that your rabbit’s pregnancy has been going on for longer than this period, you may have to consider that it’s either a false pregnancy or the litter has died inside the doe. 

It’s pretty common that a rabbit will experience a false pregnancy, which is when their bodies think it’s pregnant, even though it’s not the case. False pregnancies are prevalent if a female rabbit has been into contact with a pregnant rabbit or a rabbit who has just given birth. 

A false pregnancy will cause a rabbit to show all the mood swings, including aggression and nesting behavior. False pregnancy will only last generally for about one to three weeks. 

However, if you’re sure your rabbit is not undergoing a false pregnancy, you may need to visit your local vet. Most veterinarians will advise inducing labor after about 32 days of pregnancy to prevent complications from the entire litter dying inside the mother.


Knowing whether your rabbit is pregnant or not could be a hassle, especially if you’re not an experienced breeder. However, knowing the earliest to the last stages of rabbit pregnancy is crucial, so you can help your rabbit to give her babies the best shot at life!

If you’re in doubt about a rabbit pregnancy, it is always advised to visit a veterinary professional instead of trying to determine a pregnancy yourself.

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